How Much Fiber In Watermelon?

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Good news, watermelon lovers! It turns out this summer fruit is rich in fiber! So, how much fiber is in watermelon? We will answer this question in this article, but first, understand that fiber is vital in our bodies.

Not only does it regulate blood pressure, but it also aids our digestion, among many other benefits. There’s also no other fruit that’s sweet, juicy, and yet refreshing, like watermelon. You can enjoy the same loads of nutrients and exceptional health benefits watermelon provides.

So let us dig more into understanding how much fiber content is in a watermelon and expound further on the health facts of watermelons.

How much fiber is in watermelon

Watermelons contain lower amounts of fiber. A 100-gram cup provides 0.4 g of fiber. The amount is rather low but is often considered high because it contains high fructose content. One should consume fewer amounts of fructose as higher or excessive intake might cause unpleasant digestive issues.

Is watermelon a good source of fiber?

A juicy watermelon fruit boosts your vitamin A, B, C, and potassium intake. Watermelons also contain a large percentage of water (92%) that helps enhance bowel movement. The fruit calories are considerably lower and have sugars present.

Although fiber in watermelon is low, the fiber portion it gives is enough for a day. The recommended daily fiber intake is 14-15g, but one can have more to maintain a healthy heart. A 20g intake is sufficient.

The fiber intake may vary with age and gender. Teen boys and men should consume 30-38g fiber and children 19-25%.

Watermelon dietary fiber

Watermelons are cucurbits and cousins to pumpkins, cucumbers, squash, and butternut. As we all know, this fruit has a considerably high amount of water, low calories but is rich in minerals and antioxidants.

The fiber in watermelons is soluble, known for maintaining and promoting healthy cholesterol levels. This fiber takes about 67% of the watermelon. This fiber ideally delays the absorption of sugar, thus stabilizing the amount of blood glucose on our systems.

To benefit from the fiber content in watermelons, consume a larger amount of the watermelon. The recommended 14-15g intake is the intended amount for all individuals, regardless of gender or age. It is, however, necessary to understand that the energy needs of individuals might vary as per age and gender.

Other nutritional value of watermelon

Watermelons are an excellent vitamin A and C source. It provides the body with a good amount of minerals. Here is a breakdown of the nutritional value we get from watermelons.

Vitamins and minerals

A ripe watermelon has higher nutrient levels compared to one that is not fully ripe. They are rich in Vitamin A and C. Vitamin A is essential for the health of your eyes.

Vitamin C has anti-aging benefits, accelerates faster wound healing, and boosts immunity.

Vitamin B6 helps metabolize protein and maintain the immune system. The potassium balances water in body cells. Other minerals present in watermelon are:

  • Phosphorous
  • Magnesium
  • Choline
  • Folate
  • Calcium
  • Copper
  • Pantothenic acid
  • Biotin


Watermelon is rich in carotenoids like lycopene, phytofluene, neurosporene, lutein, phytoene. The amount of lycopene antioxidant is high and helps curb any risk of diabetes or cancer. To identify a watermelon rich in lycopene, go for bright red or opt for the seedless varieties.


Watermelons contain meager amounts of calories. A blended cup of watermelon has around 46calories, while a watermelon wedge contains 86 calories.


A cup of watermelon has 1g of protein. Watermelon seeds contain proteins, but you cannot benefit from them because of their shell.


Watermelons contain almost no fat. It contains 0.076g polyunsaturated fats and 0.056g monounsaturated fats, and 0.024g of saturated fats. Watermelon seed also provides some fatty Omega 3 acids.


Watermelons contain sugars in higher amounts compared to fiber. The sugar is mainly fructose (1/2), glucose (1/4), less than a quarter sucrose, and minor fractions of additional sugars. A 152g cup of diced watermelons contained 9.4g sugar, 0.6g fiber,11.5g carbohydrates, and 10.9 net carbohydrates.

Health facts about watermelon

Did you know that watermelons have tons of health benefits? As we have already seen, the fruit has lots of vitamins and nutrients, so you surely understand what this fruit can do to your health. So what are the ways you benefit from eating watermelons?

Reduces blood pressure

Lycopene, a carotenoid phytonutrient, is rich in antioxidant power that prevents a spike in blood pressure.

Improves digestion

Watermelon fruit is rich in water and some little fiber that is essential for digestion. The fiber helps reduce bulkiness on the digestive tract, thus maintaining regular bowel movements. Regular movements ensure that the nutrients in the body get absorbed properly.

Good for skin

Watermelons contain vitamins A and C that maintain healthy skin. Vitamin C is associated with supporting the body to produce collagens that strengthen the skin. On the other hand, Vitamin A helps repair the damaged cells that make the skin look dry.

Weight loss

Are you trying to lose weight? Look no further! Watermelon is the solution to your weight problem. It is low in calories and carbs, making it a perfect diet addition to your diet.

Lowers resistance of insulin

Insulin is responsible for controlling blood sugars. Once the body cells become resistant to insulin, the blood sugars elevate, and one might develop type 2 diabetes. Consuming watermelons helps the body cells from resisting insulin.

Reduces infections and cancer

The antioxidants in watermelon do help in repairing damaged cells that put you at risk of developing infections. Free radicals in the body can also oxidize and damage the DNA cells in your body, contributing to the growth of cancer cells. Vitamin C helps combat those free radicals, while lycopene lowers the risk of prostate cancer.


Water is an important aspect of human health. It helps in the proper functioning of the body by carrying nutrients and oxygen to the body cells. The 92% water present in watermelons helps keep you hydrated. It also lubricates your joints during your workout sessions. Present in watermelons is potassium electrolytes that keep you hydrated all day.

  • Maintains a healthy nervous system

Watermelons contain choline antioxidant that slow down dementia and Alzheimer’s disease. Choline also contributes to:

  • Improved muscles
  • Memory
  • Transmitting impulse
  • Helping in the early development of the brain.

Reducing muscle soreness

Do your muscles get sore after your workout sessions? A watermelon wedge or a glass of watermelon juice will help reduce the soreness. The amino acid citrulline in watermelons handles the reduction of soreness.

Contains diuretic properties

Watermelons are good for people with kidney problems and high blood pressure. Such people with kidney problems require drugs to help them get rid of their bodies’ excess water and salt. A watermelon can do this trick because of its diuretic property.


Frequently asked questions

Is watermelon low in fiber?

Watermelons contain a small amount of fiber. A 100g cup contains about 0.4g of fiber. You should consume a larger amount of watermelon to reach the recommended daily fiber intake.

How can I eat and serve watermelons?

You can enjoy your watermelon in different ways like:

  • Making a salad with watermelon cubes, mozzarella cheese, baby spinach, and some mint, then drizzle some dressing.
  • Make a watermelon smoothie with a touch of orange juice. Blending the watermelon causes it to lose a considerable amount of fiber, thus making sugar absorption easy. If you have diabetes, consume the fruit whole instead of having it as a smoothie.
  • You can roast the watermelon seeds and enjoy them as a snack.
  • Make watermelon juice by adding watermelon slices into a blender and some ice cubes, and enjoy the refreshing taste.

Can eating watermelons harm my health?

Eating watermelons moderately cannot harm your health. However, excess intake might cause harm to you.


Watermelons contain around 6% of sugars. Such an amount is enough to cause a spike in glucose levels in diabetic people if they consume the watermelon as a juice or as a smoothie.

Allergic reactions

Some people might suffer allergic reactions after eating watermelons. The symptoms to watch out for are:

  • Swelling
  • Hives
  • Breathing difficulties

If any of these symptoms manifest after eating watermelon, you should visit the doctor.


Watermelons do not contain a lot of fiber. You can only enjoy the benefits of that fiber if you consume a large amount of watermelon without exceeding it. A daily intake of at least 14g fiber(adults) is ideal in maintaining good cholesterol levels in your system.

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