Watermelon is a beloved fruit for both children and adults throughout the summer. It tastes so naturally sweet that you have the feeling that you are eating nutritious dessert food! But what animals eat watermelons? And do they enjoy them as much as we do? We’re going to address these questions and more about what animals eat watermelons in this post.
What animals eat watermelons?
There is a couple of animals. Bother farm, pets, and wild animals that like feasting on watermelons. Here are 14 animals you didn’t think could eat watermelons:
1. Apes
Apes love watermelons! They’ll eat the flesh and seeds, though they seem to prefer having the watermelon in smaller chunks. Just like us, they enjoy something sweet for dessert! For this reason, they’ll proceed to the next wedge, leaving behind the rind.
2. Bunnies
Rabbits love watermelons, too. They can eat the seeds and flesh just like other animals that eat watermelons, but they can also eat the rind. You should, however, be careful should you let your bunnies eat the rind. Sure they love it, but it also contains pesticides and other agrochemicals used to grow watermelons. Ensure to wash the rind well to eliminate the risk of poisoning the little pets.
3. Cats
Most cats love watermelon! They’ll enjoy eating the sweet flesh. However, you should be wary of how much watermelon you feed to a cat. These pets are carnivores, and fruits do not fit well in their diets. For this reason, feed watermelons to cats sparingly. Excessive intake of watermelons and any other fruits can cause health problems in cats. Avoid giving cats watermelons in place of their meals, but give them in small bits, just like you’d snack. After all, it’s an occasional treat, i.e., a piece or two every couple of days.
You also need to be careful with seeds, as they can easily choke a cat. Remove them all from that small piece before letting the cat enjoy.
4. Chicken
Fruit is an important element of a regular diet for chicken. It’s high in vitamins and antioxidants and low in fecal matter, making it perfect for chickens. Watermelon is also a favorite among these little pets, as they can devour the seeds as well.
There are two ways you can feed chicken with watermelons; you can either cut it in half and let the chicken do the rest or scoop out the flesh and make some watermelon soup for the chicken. The latter is a genius way of providing much-needed cooling during summer. You drop a few ice cubes in the soup to help the chicken cool off.
5. Dogs
Pups love watermelons! As with their grown parents, they’ll eat the flesh of the watermelon and enjoy every bite. For the diet, watermelons make an excellent addition to a balanced meal for your canines.
The high moisture content, fiber, and other nutrients will surely benefit your dogs. Pups will also love the sweet taste of watermelon while having fun chewing on its rinds. However, just like with cats, too much watermelon will probably upset the dog’s digestive system.
6. Guinea pigs
Guinea pigs are not from Guinea. They are not related to the food in that country either! They’re from the Andes, in South America.
Guinea pigs will love watermelon as much as we do! As with other animals that eat watermelons, they can eat the flesh, seeds, and rind. They love eating foods that are sweet but also low in calories, which is what watermelon is.
You only need to cube the melon into bits that the guinea pig can manage and avoid feeding them too much fruit.
7. Lemurs
These primates love watermelon! Unsurprisingly, they eat the flesh and seeds of this fruit just like most other animals that eat watermelon.
Lemurs seem to prefer watermelon during the summer to cool off during the hot season. Feed them with cubes of watermelon, avoiding giving too much or else they may get diarrhea. Remember, their digestive system isn’t mainly developed to digest fruits.
8. Lizards
Lizards love watermelon! They can eat the flesh and seeds just like other animals that eat watermelons. But just like us, given a choice, lizards will skip the rind to devour another sweet (red) portion of the watermelon.
You should feed them clean watermelons together with the rind, for as we know, the rind has more nutritional value than the sweet red part. Cleaning the rind will ensure you do not unknowingly feed farm chemicals to the small reptile.
Lizards prefer smaller bits of watermelon that are easy to feast on.
9. Otters
Although there has been a trending pic of an otter crying while devouring a watermelon, we can safely conclude that these furry little babies love watermelons! After all, they wouldn’t eat as much of it if they didn’t like it.
As with other animals that eat watermelons, they can eat flesh and seeds. Otters love to munch on sweet food, just like a watermelon that also contains a good amount of vitamin C, water, and fiber.
10. Parrots
We all love parrots, and it turns out they love watermelons just like us. This fruit is a precious source of vitamins and minerals that perfectly complement your parrot’s diet.
Parrots can eat flesh and seeds. They’re not too crazy about the rind, but you won’t have any problems feeding on it. You can feed your parrot with watermelons daily, so long as you include other foods like seeds and vegetables to balance the diet.
11. Polar bears
It may come as a surprise, but polar bears love watermelons! They will eat the flesh and seeds of this fruit, as do other animals that eat watermelons.
Polar bears love to feed on a diet rich in vitamins and nutrients, but if these cold-loving mammals are in captivity, like in a zoo, a chilled melon will help bring some ‘cold’ to their day.
12. Squirrels
Well, squirrels love watermelons too. They can eat the flesh and seeds just like other animals that eat watermelons. But what about a squirrel’s favorite part of the melon, you ask? The vines of the young watermelon plant.
Squirrels love to munch on the sweet reddish inside of the melon but love the crunchy rind. For this, you can feed squirrels the entire watermelon but ensure the fruit is well-cleaned.
13. Tortoises
Tortoises are omnivorous, meaning they eat both plants and meat. They can eat the flesh and seeds just like other animals that eat watermelons. Their close cousins, the turtles, also love the sweet and mildly crunchy texture of watermelon.
Tortoises can eat the whole melon, but you need to remove any harmful chemicals from the fruit before serving it. Tortoises will eat even the rind, so it’s necessary that you also place the fruit on a surface that is not the substrate. This prevents cases of the tortoise ingesting the substrate.
14. Wolves
There isn’t much information about wolves eating watermelons. We, however, know they can eat the flesh and seeds just like they’ve treated themselves to sugarcanes.
Wolves love the sweet red part, which can lead us to assume that they love sweet things. And since they love the sugarcane, which is tougher than watermelon rind, they may also like it, except that it’s not sweet.
do wild animals eat watermelon rinds
Absolutely! Many of our wild friends, from curious raccoons to gentle deer, relish watermelon rinds as a treat. If you’ve ever left watermelon remains in a garden, you might have unwittingly thrown a feast! Still, remember to be mindful; what we discard can shape our interactions with nature.
Do rabbits like watermelons?
Rabbits are herbivores, meaning they eat plants and, more so, sweet plants. They can eat flesh tubers like carrots and sweet potatoes, which brings us to another informed conclusion- rabbits have a sweet tooth.
Can bunnies eat watermelons?
As we’ve seen above, the answer is yes. Rabbits like to eat watermelons. They like the juicy, sweet parts of it. Most rabbits like this fruit and can eat them without trouble. One thing you must realize, however, is that watermelons are not nutrient-dense. You should never substitute bunnies’ food with a watermelon. It is a good idea, instead, to pamper them sometimes with watermelon.
Watermelons can be beneficial to bunnies, now that they can chew the rind, unlike us. The sweet juicy part of the fruit is usually low in fiber, a direct opposite of the rind. Notably, finding fibrous sweet treats is quite hard, and watermelon rind solves this deficiency perfectly.
Can rats eat watermelons?
Yes! Rats are omnivores, just like humans. They can eat flesh, plants, seeds, and other crazy things. They prefer sweet foods, just like us humans. Since watermelons are sweet, it is an excellent treat for your pet rat.
Rats love to eat watermelons, and they will enjoy the seeds too. It’s, however, better not to let them eat the seeds as they can pose a choking hazard. Beyond that, watermelon seeds are entirely safe for your pet rat.
Rats can enjoy the rind also, but it’s not as much fun chewing on the rind when they can instead binge on the sweet juicy parts.
Can cows eat watermelons?
Yes! Cows are herbivores, meaning they eat plants. They have a sweet tooth as well. Cows naturally feed on grasses and other vegetation that contain a lot of sugar (sugarcane and Napier grass are good examples).
Cows will mostly not care what part of the watermelon they are chewing on. They crush as big chunks as they can under their strong mandibles.
As with every other animal, feed the cow with these fruits occasionally or during the dry season to supplement water, but never as a watermelon-only meal.
Can dogs eat sour patch watermelons?
Yes! Dogs are carnivorous. They can eat fruits, vegetables, and meat. However, they would go for sweet treats any day.
Unlike other watermelon-loving animals, dogs like only the juicy parts of the fruit. They can also eat the seeds, but you better remove the seeds first. It’s like an average human swallowing pepper seeds. The digestive system can’t handle them.
Cut the melon into pieces. Remove the seeds and peel them. This way, dogs will enjoy the fruit playfully.
Dogs cannot eat the rind for obvious reasons- they aren’t made for it. Also, be moderate as you feed your canines- fruits should only be occasional in their diet.
Can fish eat watermelons?
Yes! Fish can also enjoy these fruits. They are usually not very picky about what they eat, and the fleshy parts of watermelons are no exception.
Koki and goldfish enjoy watermelon treats. You can give them chunks or slices of the rind. While they can also enjoy the red juicy parts, these parts will quickly disintegrate into the pond.
It’s always a bad idea to put a watermelon in an aquarium. An aquarium has a very delicate pH which can change the moment the watermelon juices start fermenting.
Can pigs eat watermelons?
Yes! Pigs are omnivores. They can eat plants and meat like humans do. They opt for sweet food over just any food.
Pigs will enjoy watermelon in any of its parts: flesh, rind, and seeds! They will enjoy the fleshy parts but won’t even care to eat through an entire fruit. Seeds can also be a danger for them to choke, to ensure that they are removed.
Pigs can eat watermelon as a treat, but never as their only food source!
Frequently Asked Questions
Can rabbits eat watermelon rind?
Yes, rabbits love to eat watermelon rinds. The rind has a rigid texture like other tubers that rabbits enjoy, but the watermelon is a fruit and thus tastier. You’ll be shocked at how much bunnies love watermelon rinds.
Can pigs eat watermelon rind?
Yes, pigs can also enjoy these crunchy parts. Just like rabbits, pigs enjoy tubers, and watermelon rind tastes like a tuber to them. However, they will prefer the sweet juicy parts over the rind.
Can cows eat watermelon rind?
Cows can eat watermelon rinds in moderation. Since cows are herbivores, we should give them a bit of the rind to snack on. If you’re looking for fancy with the cows, let them devour the sweet watermelon flesh. Just ensure to cut the fruits into small cubes.
What wild animals like watermelons?
A slew of other mammals enjoys this fruit, including deer, coyotes, crows, and raccoons. Whenever you visit the wild, be sure to extend the kindness with a slice.
Can coyotes eat watermelons?
Yes, coyotes can also enjoy sweet fruits like watermelon during those hot and dry summers. They are drawn to the juicy parts of the watermelon but will swallow the seeds as they eat.
Animals are living creatures just like us. They deserve to have a sweet treat every so often too! So, next time you eat watermelon, you know what animals eat watermelons so you can spread the love of watermelon with them.