How to freeze chicken soup

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There’s a special kind of comfort that only a bowl of homemade chicken soup can provide. Yet, amidst the demands of practical life, setting aside time to cook a comforting soup from scratch isn’t always feasible. What if I told you there’s a solution to enjoy this comfort food whenever you want, without the hustle of cooking every time?

The answer lies in mastering the art of freezing chicken soup. Yes, you heard it right. This simple strategy can save you time, reduce food waste, and ensure you always have a nourishing meal ready to go. Let’s explore how you can make it happen.

Why Freeze Chicken Soup?

Time Efficiency

Freezing chicken soup allows you to create multiple meals from a single cooking session. It saves time on busy days when you need a quick, nutritious meal without the effort of starting from scratch.

Reducing Food Waste

Rather than discarding leftover soup, freezing it allows you to store it for later use. This practice significantly helps to reduce food waste.

Maintaining Nutritional Value

Properly frozen chicken soup retains its nutritional value. This means that even though you’re enjoying it at a later date, you’re still getting the full benefit of all the healthy ingredients.


Having frozen chicken soup on hand is incredibly convenient. It provides an easy and healthy meal option, especially on days when you’re too busy or tired to cook.


By freezing chicken soup, you’re making the most of the ingredients you have, ultimately saving money. It’s more economical than buying pre-packaged meals or ordering take-out.

Portion Control

Freezing your soup in individual servings makes portion control effortless. This can be particularly beneficial if you’re mindful of your calorie intake.


Frozen chicken soup serves as a great base for other recipes. You can easily jazz it up with some added ingredients to create a completely new dish.

Freezing chicken soup is an essential kitchen hack that promotes time efficiency, reduces waste, maintains nutrition, provides convenience and versatility, and is budget-friendly.

Other Freezing Topic: How to freeze shredded cheese

How to Make Chicken Soup Suitable for Freezing

Choose Your Ingredients Wisely

Start by selecting ingredients that freeze well. Most vegetables, lean proteins like chicken, and grains like rice or pasta are suitable for freezing. Avoid using potatoes as they can become grainy after freezing.

Cook Your Soup

Follow your favorite chicken soup recipe, ensuring that all ingredients are thoroughly cooked. Remember to undercook your pasta slightly if you’re using any, as it will continue to cook when you reheat the soup.

Let the Soup Cool

Allow your soup to cool down before freezing it. Rapid cooling can be achieved by placing your pot in an ice bath. Remember to stir occasionally to distribute the coolness evenly.

Taste Before Freezing

Ensure your soup has the right balance of flavors before freezing. Remember, flavors can dull slightly when frozen and reheated, so it’s best to season the soup well.

Remove Excess Fat

If your chicken soup has a lot of fat, try to remove as much as possible before freezing. Fat can create a thick layer on top of your soup when frozen, altering its texture and flavor.

By following these steps, you can make a batch of chicken soup that is not only delicious when fresh but also retains its taste and texture when frozen and reheated. Next up, we will discuss the process of freezing the soup properly.

Understanding the Freezing Process of Chicken Soup

The Science of Freezing

Freezing slows the growth of microorganisms and enzymes that cause food to spoil. It essentially hits the “pause button” on your chicken soup, keeping it fresh until you’re ready to enjoy it.

Effects on Soup Components

The freezing process affects each component of chicken soup differently. The broth and chicken generally freeze well, maintaining their taste and texture. However, certain vegetables might become softer upon thawing, and pasta, if present, can absorb more liquid and become softer.

Optimal Freezing Temperature

Your freezer should be at 0°F (-18°C) or below for proper freezing. This ensures that your soup freezes quickly, preserving its quality.

Speed of Freezing

Rapid freezing helps to maintain the soup’s original texture and flavor. Slow freezing can result in larger ice crystals, which can damage cells in the food and alter its texture.

Avoiding Freezer Burn

To prevent freezer burn – a condition that occurs when frozen food is damaged by dehydration and oxidation – your chicken soup should be packed in air-tight containers or freezer bags, with as much air removed as possible.

Duration of Freezing

While freezing prolongs the shelf-life of your soup, it doesn’t preserve it indefinitely. For the best quality, consume your frozen chicken soup within 2-3 months.

Understanding the freezing process and how it affects the different components of your chicken soup is key to preserving its quality. By taking the right steps, you can ensure your frozen soup tastes as good as the day you made it.

Step-by-step Guide on How to Freeze Chicken Soup

Cool Your Soup

The first step in freezing chicken soup is to let it cool to room temperature. Placing hot soup directly in the freezer can raise the overall temperature of your freezer and affect the other stored food items.

Portion the Soup

Divide the soup into portions that you’re likely to use in one go. It could be single servings or family-sized portions depending on your needs. Portioning prevents you from needing to defrost all the soup at once if you only need a small amount.

Select the Right Containers

Choose freezer-safe containers or bags to store your soup. Make sure the containers are airtight to prevent freezer burn. If using freezer bags, lay them flat in the freezer to save space.

Leave Space for Expansion

When liquids freeze, they expand. So, make sure to leave about an inch of space at the top of your container or bag to allow for this expansion.

Seal and Label

Securely seal your containers or bags to prevent any air from getting in. Label them with the contents and the date of freezing so you can keep track of how long the soup has been stored.


Place your containers or bags of soup in the freezer. For the best quality, try to freeze the soup as quickly as possible.

Store Properly

Once the soup is completely frozen, you can rearrange the bags or containers to maximize your freezer space. Ensure the soup isn’t stored near items with strong odors as it can absorb these.

What to Avoid When Freezing Chicken Soup

Avoid Freezing Hot Soup

Placing hot soup directly into the freezer can increase the overall freezer temperature, which can negatively impact other foods stored there. Always allow your soup to cool to room temperature before freezing.

Avoid Overfilling Containers

Liquids expand when frozen. To prevent your containers from breaking or leaking, leave about an inch of headspace to accommodate this expansion.

Avoid Freezing in Large Portions

Freezing your soup in one large batch may seem convenient, but it will take longer to defrost and reheat. Instead, freeze soup in portions you would typically consume at a time.

Avoid Using Non-Freezer-Safe Containers

Containers that are not meant for the freezer can crack at low temperatures. Always use containers that are labeled as freezer-safe.

Avoid Keeping Soup in the Freezer for Too Long

While freezing extends the life of your chicken soup, it doesn’t last indefinitely. For best quality, consume your frozen soup within 2-3 months.

Avoid Re-freezing Thawed Soup

Once you’ve defrosted your chicken soup, avoid refreezing it as this can negatively impact its texture and taste, and potentially allow for harmful bacteria growth.

How to Thaw and Reheat Frozen Chicken Soup

Thawing in the Refrigerator

The safest way to thaw frozen chicken soup is in the refrigerator. This slow thawing method keeps your soup at a safe temperature, minimizing the risk of bacterial growth. Move your frozen soup from the freezer to the fridge and allow it to thaw overnight.

Thawing in Cold Water

If you’re in a hurry, you can use the cold water thawing method. Place your sealed soup container in a bowl or sink filled with cold water. Change the water every 30 minutes until the soup is thawed.

Direct Heat Thawing

If you’re in a real rush, you can thaw and heat your soup directly on the stove. Remember to use low heat to avoid scorching the soup.

Reheating on Stovetop

Once your soup is fully thawed, pour it into a pot and reheat it over medium heat. Stir occasionally to ensure even heating and to prevent the soup from sticking to the bottom of the pot.

Reheating in Microwave

If you choose to reheat your soup in the microwave, transfer the thawed soup to a microwave-safe dish. Cover and heat at intervals of 2 minutes, stirring in between until the soup is heated thoroughly.

Check the Temperature

Regardless of your reheating method, ensure your soup reaches a temperature of at least 165°F (74°C) for safe consumption.

Taste and Adjust Seasonings

The freezing and thawing process may slightly alter the flavor profile of your soup. After reheating, taste your soup and adjust the seasonings as needed.

Bonus Tips for Freezing Chicken Soup

Use Fresh Ingredients

Starting with fresh, high-quality ingredients ensures your soup will still taste great after freezing and reheating.

Undercook Pasta and Vegetables

If your soup contains pasta or vegetables, consider slightly undercooking them. They’ll finish cooking when you reheat the soup, preventing them from turning mushy.

Freeze in Different Sized Portions

Consider your needs and freeze in different sized portions. You might want a small portion for a quick lunch or a larger portion for a family dinner.

Freeze Flat in Bags

If you’re using freezer bags, freeze them flat for more efficient storage. Once frozen, they can be stacked or stored upright to save space.

Consider Ice Cube Trays for Smaller Portions

For smaller, quick-to-defrost portions, consider freezing your soup in ice cube trays. Once frozen, you can transfer the soup cubes to a freezer bag.

Remember FIFO (First In, First Out)

Try to consume your older batches of frozen soup before the newer ones. This ensures you’re always eating the freshest soup possible.

Use Clear Containers

Using clear containers or bags allows you to easily see what’s inside. It’s also helpful to label each container with the date of freezing.

Revive Your Soup

Upon reheating, you may want to add some fresh herbs, a squeeze of lemon, or a dash of spices to revive the flavors of your soup.

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can you freeze soup in tupperware

Yes, you can freeze soup in Tupperware, as long as it is freezer-safe. Tupperware is often a good choice for freezing soup due to its durability and tight-sealing lids that help prevent freezer burn. Before freezing, ensure your soup has cooled completely, then pour it into the Tupperware, leaving some space at the top for the soup to expand as it freezes.

However, it’s worth noting that not all Tupperware is created equal. Always look for Tupperware that is labeled as freezer-safe to avoid any issues such as cracking at low temperatures. Label your Tupperware with the date of freezing to keep track of its freshness. Following these simple guidelines can make freezing soup in Tupperware a convenient and hassle-free process.

FAQ Section: How to Freeze Chicken Soup

1. Can I freeze chicken soup with noodles or rice?

Yes, you can. However, keep in mind that noodles and rice can absorb extra liquid during the freezing and thawing process and become mushy. Slightly undercooking them before freezing can help maintain their texture.

2. How long can I store frozen chicken soup?

While frozen soup can be safe indefinitely if kept at 0°F (-18°C), it’s recommended to consume frozen chicken soup within 2-3 months for the best quality and taste.

3. Does freezing chicken soup alter its taste?

Freezing chicken soup can slightly alter its taste, particularly if it’s stored for a long time. However, the change is usually minimal and can be easily corrected with some additional seasonings upon reheating.

4. What’s the best container for freezing chicken soup?

You can use any airtight, freezer-safe container or bag. Remember to leave some space at the top of the container to allow for expansion as the soup freezes.

5. How do I reheat frozen chicken soup?

The safest way to thaw and reheat frozen chicken soup is in the refrigerator overnight, then reheated on a stovetop or in a microwave. Always ensure the soup reaches a temperature of at least 165°F (74°C) for safe consumption.


Knowing how to freeze chicken soup effectively can transform your meal planning, offering a convenient, nutritious option even on the busiest days. The process not only saves you time but also ensures you get the most out of your ingredients. It’s essential to remember the key points such as cooling the soup thoroughly before freezing, using the right containers, portioning the soup, and taking care with the thawing and reheating process. All these steps contribute to maintaining the delicious taste and texture of your soup, even after freezing. So, next time you have a surplus of chicken soup or you’re planning meals for the future, remember that the freezer is your friend. This way, you’ll always have a hearty and comforting meal ready whenever you need it.

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